Monday, July 23, 2007

A new BIKE!

Alright, I am in a better mood today. I am tired though so I won't keep you long. I bought a bike yesterday and had opportunity to ride it today. It was great! I rode it on the flight line and it worked swell. It is a real piece o' pooh, but it does what I need it to do. It's a Huffy, ooooh! It has dual suspension, so the ride is really smooth, even on the rough terrain around here. The shifting is not so great, but it only cost me $80, not bad. It had three advantages: I don't ride around everywhere, allowing for more exercise, it gives me more freedom to go where I want when I want, and it is fun to ride at work, making my day go by a lot better. The only thing I would like is a back rack and a bottle holder. I am not sure either would fit but I can rig something up, I'm sure. I am confident I look like a big dork out there but, hey, this place is not a cool contest, not that I could ever win one anywhere. But I do think people around here are starting to detect that I read a little high on the Dork-o-Meter. I got more than a few comments on my garden yesterday. I planted some seeds in one of the "Hescos" (protective barriers filled with dirt) yesterday and got a lot of people shaking their heads in my general direction.
Anyway, I promised to make this short and I have already ranted for some time. Just a note for anyone sending a letter or package: Thanks and send along some photos. Photos of anything really, just tell me what it is of so I know when I see it. I have a lot of blank space around that I would like to fill with pictures of you and your favorite things to help me remember nicer places. Thanks again and I'll see you soon,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo bro,

I'm atta computer for a bit. Sounds like my summer is going better than yours. Bike, huh? Probably no hills, I bet you don't need a trail even, just don't run into a building.

I gotta drive put down recreation valley. It's better than ever, I think it will be great for skiing/snwboarding/sledding. Wide open with no hazzards in the way.

Well that's my excitement from here.

See ya soon(ish),
