Tuesday, June 26, 2007


First of all a huge thank you! to Uncle Gary and Aunt Te. It's no secret that this is not easy for me and Gary and Te have been so kind, it has really been like a home away from home. They have a beautiful home in the country and a great dog, Duffus (sp?), that made a world of difference in my mental well being. I will forever be grateful.
On the other hand, there is Fort Benning, hmph! Talk about frustration. I arrived on Saturday around 3pm. Since then I have completed about 3 hours worth of work and I have been in line from about 8 am (Sunday and Monday) until 7 or 8 pm each day. The only saving grace has been the little shop that will sell you a six pack before 9 pm. The Army inefficiency has clearly demonstrated why there is a need for contract workers.
The quantity of time it takes to get even the expected hurdles leaped means I have to go now to get some ducks in a row just to prevent the possibility of a problem.
So everyone knows, communication is going to be a problem. Internet here is 10 computer for 500 people and overseas sounds questionable, at best. Phone is pay phones. Sorry, but it is what I have.

See you when I can,

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